Synthetic oil vs. conventional oil

What’s the real difference between synthetic and conventional oil.

Conventional and synthetic oils begin in the ground.  Synthetic oil is not only refined but also distilled, purified and broken down into its basic molecules. This process not only removes more impurities from the crude oil but also enables individual molecules in the oil to be tailored to the demands of modern engines. These customized molecules provide higher levels of protection and performance than conventional oils. But the synthetic base oil is only half the story. The correct blend additives must go into the mix to create the oil.

Keep your engine cleaner 
As oil circulates through your engine it can pick up deposits. Over time, conventional oils can sometimes form sludge, which can reduce your engine's efficiency and, ultimately, reduce the life of your engine. Synthetic motor oils contain fewer impurities compared to conventional motor oils and can better resist the formation of sludge thereby preventing deposits from forming in your engine.

Offer greater engine wear protection
Engine parts are in constant contact with each other. They’re also moving at high speeds. In the extreme environment of your engine, components can wear and break down. Your motor oil is the protective barrier between these components. As conventional oils break down, their ability to prevent engine wear diminishes. Fully synthetic motor oils, on the other hand, retain their wear protection properties for a much longer time, increasing engine life.

Flow better in low temperatures 
When your car sits for a while (let’s say overnight) the oil settles. But, when you fire up the ignition, it begins flowing through critical engine parts to protect against friction. With conventional oils, it takes more time until they are able to flow smoothly through the engine. During the cold winter months, or if you live in an extremely cold environment, this flow process takes even longer. Synthetic motor oils, however, are engineered to flow quickly even at low temperatures, and they start protecting your engine right after you start your car.

Protect better at high temperatures
When running, engines are hot. Really, really hot. Over time, the high temperatures in your engine can cause conventional motor oils to break down or evaporate exposing your engine to wear. Synthetic motor oils are engineered to resist these high temperatures, which is especially important if you’re driving in hot climates.

Protect critical turbocharger parts 
To meet consumer demand, automakers are building cars with smaller engines (for greater fuel efficiency) but adding turbochargers  We already mentioned how engines run at high temperatures, which can break down conventional oils faster, but today’s turbocharged engines are even more aggressive. The shaft inside a turbocharger can spin upwards of 200,000 revolutions per minute, so it’s critical that your motor oil can get to that shaft and lubricate it properly very quickly. Conventional oils can break down faster under these conditions and leave deposits on turbocharger components, which can lead to failure. Synthetic motor oils can protect these components much better than conventional oils, keeping them operating at peak performance and boosting your engine’s power.


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